小组團契活動年曆 Mini-groups, fellowship and event calendar
歡迎所有小组團契或其他活動註冊在內部網站(同工登錄). 註冊後, 該信息將在此頁面上可見.
All mini-group, fellowships or other activities are welcome to register on the intraweb (login). After registration, the information will be visible on this page.
帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:11 因此,你們要彼此鼓勵,互相造就,就像你們現在所做的那樣。
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
數據更新 Data update:
日期時間 Date Time |
每週或頻率 Weekly or Frequency |
小组團契 / 口語 Name / Language |
事項 / 地點 Activity / Location |
聯繫信息 Contact info e.g. name & email |
網頁連結 Webpage link |