IT服務目錄 IT System Catalog
For church coworkers, before using or apply to the below IT system service, please read: Policy for using church IT System
Note! audio/video recording is part IT Management Ministry.
IT Services offering for coworkers:
IT system solution (church Google Workplace subscription)
@stockholm.nccc.se email account for legally representing the church + using Church Google Workspace
@nccc.intrawebmaster.com email account for using Church Google Workspace
Google Workspace group storage
Google Workspace group mails and forum
Google Workspace version of Google Meet (Similar to Zoom, including phone dial-in)
VPN service for remote access, e.g. serving from China
Fellowship/Mini-Group web content management and registration
Sunday worship digital information tool
WebPush Notification, for the latest update of the Church News 最新消息
IT Management Ministry:
IT support, instruction and training for coworkers
Access Management for coworkers to ensure security: both for church Google Workplace and Web App
IT Disaster Recovery for web application, databases and IT infrastructure
Management and monitoring of church Google Workplace subscription
GDPR policy and IT Information Security and legal compliance management
Digital data automation and content management for web application
Web application software development and maintenance (DevOps)
IT Operations: VPS server environment and maintenance, e.g. OS, supporting software, middleware and script
Server hosting infrastructure, e.g. VPS, DNS, domain, SSL certificates etc. from suppliers
Web content publishing & Webmaster
Contact IT Management Ministry for apply & access IT services